Q4 2021
- First version of whitepaper
- Gather first members around our project vision
- Implementation program strategy
Q1 2022
- Meetings with advisors
- First website
- First private sell
- Whitepaper update
Q2 2022
- Media meet Emorya
- Event presentation
- Legal opinion audit
- Vesting smart contract
- First dApp version
Q3 2022
- Website redesign
- EMR meets Elrond blockchain
- First tokens in Maiar wallet
- Presale smart contract
- Update dApp interface and functionality
- First pre-sale
- Start marketing strategy
- Build communities
- Prepare second pre-sale
Q4 2022
- Second pre-sale early testing
- First protoype of EmoryaSports mobile application
- Develop strategies for user programs
- EMR Airdrop
- Rewrite staking and mining strategies
- Prepare first backend version for Emorya Sports mobile application
Q1 2023
- Expanding towards new partnerships
- Rework on Emorya branding
- Find expert help for tokenomics improvment, gap holes and sustainability
- Completly redesign dApp
- Relaunch Emorya dApp
- Completly redesign website
- Alpha version of Emorya Sports mobile app
- Prototype first NFTs designs
- Prototype first NFT smart contracts
- Fully automated GCP infrastructure powered with Kubernetes
Q2 2023
- Update whitepaper after the last tokenomics model
- Running first implementation of NFT platform
- Redesign NFT platform
- Redesign Emorya Sports App
- Improve workflows and security
- Design NFT programs for users mining the $EMRS sector and launching EMORYA dApps to accelerate adoption and integrate tokens in a scalable economy
Q3 2023
- Scaling the Proof of Concept moves toward the next step in designing a suitable roll-out strategy.
Q4 2023
- EMORYA team and partners arrangements joint ventures to support, develop, and grant for start-ups projects for ecosystem growth by giving more utility and adoption.