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Dynamic Staking

Hello, Emoryans!

  • There a lot of questions in the community regarding Dynamic Staking and the Emorya Finance ecosystem, so let's clarify a few things. I’m sure it will all make a lot more sense once the app is live and the full economic engine is running. But until then, let's explain a bit about how this ecosystem works.

You have two options:

  1. Keep your EMR coins on exchanges and benefit only from price fluctuations, just like with other cryptocurrencies.

  2. Bring your EMR into WEMR and join Dynamic Staking. From this point, you'll benefit for life from 3% of every monetization of EMR brought into the ecosystem. Essentially, every time an EMR is converted from WEMR back to EMR for monetization, or from EMRS to EMR (when you monetize burned calories), you’ll receive a share of that transaction. The fees generated will provide you with lifetime earnings.

Additionally, if you hold over 10,000 WEMR in staking for more than 60 days, you become eligible for a much larger reward, up to 3x, 5x, 10x, or even more than the standard staking reward.

Your earnings in Dynamic Staking depend on how much EMR you have in staking, the transaction in the ecosystem and your NFT level, which determines how much of your EMR you can monetize monthly. As your NFT level increases, so do your rewards.

In short, by bringing your coins into Dynamic Staking, you’ll have multiple revenue streams that, when combined, will quickly surpass the amount you’ve contributed to the ecosystem.

With Dynamic Staking, you have many more options, and you’ll earn significantly more than if you kept your coins outside the ecosystem.